ES Price List for Interventions

EmergenSea price list for klients

EmergenSea Price List for Interventions

This price list is effective from 01.06.2023 and remains valid until the next update. The intervention price list applies to all clients requesting assistance, except:

  • Free interventions for EmergenSea members, according to the General Membership Conditions.
  • Free interventions for Premium Yacht Insurance by Jack Surija, according to the general conditions.

If members and insured (mentioned above) exceed the package of free services according to the general conditions, the price list - 2023 reduced by 30% will apply for the remaining services that exceed the free package benefits.

Prices are increased by 50% in the following cases:

  • The length of catamaran-type vessels is calculated multiplied by 1.5
  • Night work (20:00h-08:00h) will be increased by 50%
  • Work in severe weather conditions will be increased by 50%

Note: The price list is valid from 01.06.2023 and may change without prior notice.


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